61st District Conference
Two Day-Program
Date: Saturday – 19 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/03/17
11:00 - 15:00
Registration Open
B/F Foyer
11:00 - 17:00
House of Friendship
1/F Foyer & B/F Foyer
12:00 - 13:15
Leaders’ Luncheon (By Invitation Only)
Function Rooms
A, B, C, D, E, F 1/F
14:00 - 16:15
Opening Ceremony and First Plenary Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
16:15 – 16:35
Group Photo Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
16:35 – 17:00
Coffee Break
(seating according to Breakout Sessions allocation)
All Function Rooms
1/F and B/F
17:00 - 18:15
Breakout Sessions
Function Rooms
N, O, P, Q B/F
19:30 - 22:30
Grand Ballroom 1/F & Function Rooms 1/F & B/F
Update : 2021/03/17
08:15 - 12:00
Registration Open
Foyer, 1/F
09:00 - 17:00
House of Friendship
Foyer, 1/F
09:00 - 12:40
Third Plenary Session cum Rotaract District Conference Opening Ceremony
Grand Ballroom
Presided by DRR Alan Yip
Rotatract Conference declare opened by DRR Alan Yip
Welcome remarks by Rotaract Conference Chair Alvin Leung
Opening address by DG Eric Chak
Rotaract District Report by DRR Alan Yip and DRC Anita Chan
State of Rotary Worldwide by RIPPR PRID Song Koo Yun (TBC)
Speech by Key Note Speaker
Vote of thanks by DGN Norman Lee
Coffee Break
Open Forum for Rotaractors and Rotarians facilitated by PDG Eugene Fong
Introduction of Guest Speaker War Correspondent Ms. Nicole Tung by PDG Ada Cheng
Speech by War Correspondent Ms. Nicole Tung
Vote of thanks by DRRE (TBC)
General Announcements
15:30 - 15:50
Grand Ballroom
15:50 - 17:30
Closing and Fourth Plenary Session
Presided by Conference Chair AG Cassy Cheng
Grand Ballroom
Roll call
Prizes Presentation for conference attendance
Prizes Presentation for PoA
Dialogue with our Future Leaders:
DGE Keith Chow
DGN Norman Lee
DGND Andy Li
DRRE Luffy Chan and
Promotion of 2021 - 22 District Conference by DGE Keith Chow and PP Elizabete Fong
Promotion of 2021 - 22 RI Convention in Houston by DGN Norman Lee
Closing Remarks by RIPPR PRID Song Koo Yun
Closing Remarks by DG Eric Chak
Vote of Thanks by Conference Chair AG Cassy Cheng
General Announcements
61st District Conference declared close by DG Eric Chak
Spouse Program
Date: Saturday – 19 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/03/17
16:45 - 18:15
Workshop 1
To be advised
Date: Sunday – 20 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/03/17
10:00 - 15:00
Workshop 2
To be advised
61st District Conference
Two Day-Program
Date: Saturday – 19 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/06/12
11:00 - 15:00
Registration Open
B/F Foyer
11:00 - 17:00
House of Friendship
1/F Foyer & B/F Foyer
12:00 - 13:15
Leaders’ Luncheon (By Invitation Only)
Function Rooms
A, B, C, D, E, F 1/F
14:00 - 16:20
Opening Ceremony and First Plenary Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
Opening Ceremony
National Anthems & Rotary Anthem
61st District Conference declared open by DG Eric Chak
Welcome Remarks by Conference Chair AG Cassy Cheng
Opening Address by DG Eric Chak
Introduction of Guest of Honour Professor CHAN Ka Leung, SBS, JP, Dean Faculty of Medicine, CUHK by PDG Peter Pang
Speech by Guest of Honour Professor CHAN KA Leung, Francis, SBS, JP, Dean Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Topic: "The Future Development of Medical Professional in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area"
Vote of thanks by PDG Jason Yeung
District Report by DG Eric Chak
Introduction of Rotary International President's Personal Representative (RIPPR) PDG Peter Wan by Aide PDG Ada Cheng
Address by RIPPR PDG Peter Wan
General Announcements
16:20 – 16:35
Group Photo Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
16:35 – 17:00
Coffee Break
(seating according to Breakout Sessions allocation)
All Function Rooms
1/F and B/F
17:00 - 18:15
Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Health
Moderator: PP Menza Chu, RC SoHo HK
COVID Vaccines - Current Development by Professor Maggie Wang, RC Neoteric HK
Memory - Gift - Microfiction by PE Eddy Lo, RC SoHo HK
Fre3minutes Project by P Candy Cheung, RC Neoteric HK
Say No to Drugs - Path Builders for Youth by PP Albert Law, RC Admiralty
Title: What can we do under the pandemic?
Function Rooms
N, O, P, Q B/F
Session 2: Environment
Moderator: PP Anthony Ngai, RC HK South
Mr. Willy Kwong, Executive Director, A Plastic Ocean Foundation
Mr. Nigel Mattravers, Joint Venture Representative, New Life Plastics
Title: Where does our plastic go?
Function Rooms
D, E, F 1/F
Session 3: Membership
Moderator: PDG Kenneth Wong and PDG HW Fung
Success stories of clubs achieving high organic growth in membership by P Leo Yu, RC HK Island East and P Jose Sun, RC Hou Koung
Success stories of clubs sponsoring Satellite Clubs by P Sally Luk, RC Taipo and Chair Gabriel Kwan, Rotary Satellite Club of Taipo - Companion
Success stories of Rotaractors chartering Rotary Clubs by CP Nomuunblegt Batmunkh, RC Gerege, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Success stories chartering of Rotaract Clubs by DRC Anita Chan & DRR Alan Yip
Virtual chit chat meetings to engage Rotarians by District Membership Think Tank Convener DGN Norman Lee and PP Helen Or, RC Neoteric HK
Title: Membership growth: A Tale of D3450
Function Rooms
J, K, L, M B/F
Session 4: Peace
Moderator: PDG Peter Pang
DGND Andy Li
PP WT Wong, RC HK Harbour
AG Derrick Wong
PP Mitzi Leung, Chair, RAGFP HK & Macao Chapter, RC Hong Kong
Title: Rotarian as Peace Maker
Function Rooms
A, B, C 1/F
Session 5: Youth
Moderator: PDG Eugene Fong
DRC Anita Chan
CP Joseph Leung, RC Central Harbourfront
PP Vicky Woo, RC Island Green
PP Herman Lo, RC E-Club of Tamar HK
PP Wing Leung, RC Kowloon West
PP Silva Yeung, RC Kowloon Golden Mile
PP Donna Buckland, RC Hong Kong
PP Ariungoo Khurelbaata, RC Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue
Title: Status Quo of our Youth Service
Function Rooms
G, H, I B/F
19:30 - 22:30
Governor’s Dinner
Chair: AG Nigel Lo
Grand Ballroom 1/F & Function Rooms 1/F & B/F
Date: Sunday - 20 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/06/12
08:15 - 12:00
Registration Open
B/F Foyer
09:00 - 17:00
House of Friendship
1/F Foyer & B/F Foyer
09:00 - 12:20
Second Plenary Session cum Rotaract District Conference Opening Ceremony
Grand Ballroom 1/F
Presided by DRR Alan Yip
Rotatract Conference declare opened by DRR Alan Yip
Welcome remarks by Rotaract Conference Chair Alvin Leung
Opening address by DG Eric Chak
Rotaract District Report by DRR Alan Yip and DRC Anita Chan
State of Rotary Worldwide by RIPPR PDG Peter Wan
Introduction of Guest Speaker Photojournalist Ms. Nicole Tung by PDG Ada Cheng
Speech by Photojournalist Ms. Nicole Tung
Topic: "Stories of Peac"
Vote of thanks by Rotaract District Conference Chair Alvin Leung
Group Photo
Open Forum for Rotaractors and Rotarians facilitated by PDG Eugene Fong
(Tea/Coffee Stations in designated function rooms)
12:20 - 14:15
The Rotary Foundation Presentation and Lunch
Presided by District Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Jone Wong
Recognition of TRF Donors
General Announcements
Grand Ballroom 1/F
Lunch - Video Presentation of TRF Trustee Sangkoo Yun
Function Rooms
1/F & B/F
14:15 – 15:50
Third Plenary Session - Business Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
Presided by DGE Keith Chow
Adoption of District Financial Statements for Rotary Year 2019-20 by IPDG Wilson Cheng and PP Joyce Lau
Conference Resolutions by PDG YK Cheng
Report on Breakout Sessions' Discussion
Promotion of 2021-22 District Conference by DGE Keith Chow and PP Elizabete Fong
Report 2021 Virtual RI Convention and promote 2022 Houston RI Convention by DGN Norman Lee
Prize Presentation for People of Action (PoA)
General Announcements
(Tea/Coffee Stations in designated function rooms)
Rotaract Breakout Session
Functions Rooms
H, I, J, K, P, Q B/F
Presided by DRR Alan Yip / DRC Anita Chan
Session 1: World cafe
Round of conversation in a coffee table style on different aspects of Rotary and Rotaract, with the object of pooling wisdom in creating abilitiles to change the future.
Session 2: Drama
Through role-play and games to self-explore, reflect, and develop the courage to change, accept challenges, and take bold steps to achieve future goals and dreams.
15:50 - 17:30
Closing and Fourth Plenary Session
Grand Ballroom 1/F
Presided by Conference Chair AG Cassy Cheng
Roll Call
Prizes Presentation for Conference Attendance
Dialogue with our Future Leaders by PDG Ada Cheng and PDRR Jessica Wo
DGE Keith Chow
DGN Norman Lee
DGND Andy Li
DRRE Luffy Chan
Closing Remarks by RIPPR PDG Peter Wan
Closing Remarks by DRR Alan Yip and DG Eric Chak
Vote of Thanks by District Rotaract Conference Chair Alvin Yip and Conference Chair AG Cassy Cheng
61st District Conference declared close by DG Eric Chak and DRR Alan Yip
General Announcements
14:30 - 17:30
Workshop 2
Fashion Talk and Photography
1/F Foyer
Spouse Program
Date: Saturday – 19 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/06/12
14:30 - 17:30
Workshop 1
Aroma Candle Making Class
Boardroom B/F
Date: Sunday – 20 June 2021
Venue : Regal Airport Hotel
Update : 2021/06/12
10:00 - 13:00
Visit to Tsz Shan Monastery
14:00 - 16:00
Award presentation ceremony - Care for Youth Service Project
Ballroom Foyer 1/F

District Conference
June 19-20, 2021
Regal Airport Hotel
Rotary District Conference 2021
19-20 June, 2021
Regal Airport Hotel
To learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch
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